Earlier this month it has been said that the new Intel Sandy Bridge processor line had been spotted at several retailers in Malasia according to Cheapree at Lowyat.net. Apparently the new Sandy Bridge processors were seen on Compuzones facebook page (like the screenshot seen below). The Sandy Bridge processors are officially supposed to be released at the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas (CES 2011). I don’t really know what the deal is, but seems pretty hoax like to me, so think as you will. If these rumors or observations are true, it sure would be nice to see some early benchmarks right?
On that note: Anandtech has already shown the first Intel Sandy Bridge quad-core benchmarks under Anand Lal Shimpi’s article “The Sandy Bridge Preview”. If this interests you I highly recommend checking out the site and seeing all of the results for yourself. The estimated results include: The Core i5 to give and average 23% better performance than the Core i5 760 with the Core i5 2400 performing like a Core i7 880 without hyper threading enabled. The consensus seems to be a 10% overall increase in performance for Sandy Bridge in this particular benchmark analysis. Since the author Anand Lal Shimpi does state the analysis was done without a funstional turbo mode, he estimates the shipping Sandy Bridge processors should be even quicker with an additional 3-7% to these numbers for the final chips.
Intel does have an overclocking prevention put into Sandy Bridge, but is said to not be too much of a hinderance; it is still unsure whether this is also true with the lower end Sandy Bridge cpus. Also, the Sandy bridge integrated graphics can be good enough to put all previous integrated graphics to shame says Anand Lal Shimpi; perhaps even as good as some entry level graphic processing units (GPUs).

From http://www.lowyat.net/v2/intel-sandy-bridge-processors-and-mobos-spotted-at-local-retailer.html
Look for the official release of Intel’s Sandy bridge on January 5th, 2011 which will be presented at the Las Vegas CES.