System Requirements Lab: Can Your System Run Said Game?

Here is a quick tip if you are looking for a system requirements resource page for PC Video Games. Check out the System Requirements Lab page: This page has a database including hundreds of games to analyze against your current systems hardware and software. You must be running Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows 7. As well, you must be using either Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Chrome internet browsers.

How it works:

Once at the System Requirements Lab you will be asked to download a file that will determine you systems hardware and software. Next you are directed to choose the game you would like to analyze.

From here you choose the ‘CAN YOU RUN IT?’ button directing the program to do its “Lab Analysis”. In this case I chose World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Once it finishes analyzing you will be told whether your system passes based on the comparison of your system against the games Minimum, and Recommended System Requirements. As well, if your system does not pass, it will show the the specific categories of hardware / software that do not match the requirements as such:

If you are missing any of the requirements in the analysis picture above, then you are informed and told what you need to upgrade. One of the cons when using a database system like Systems Requirements Lab, is that you may be informed whether your system meets the minimum/recommended system specifications, but not necessarily at what settings. So when purchasing a new PC, or building your ownPC take into consideration what resolutions and graphics settings you want to achieve. In these cases you may want to do some research in order to find the right combination of parts to achieve what you want.

If you ever have any questions about system/hardware requirement compatability please leave a comment, and if you are looking for a new Gaming Build check out the Newb Computer Build’s Gaming Builds section.

Comments 6

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  4. Post

    The System Requirements Lab will match the games minimum requirements towards what your current hardware is. It may just be saying you are missing something (too low of RAM?) that may not inhibit you ability to play / open the game. The features or the quality of the game however will most likely be hindered in some way.

    I’m curious what games and hardware you are matching?

  5. Pingback: Can Run It |

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