All Gaming Tiers Have Been Polished & Updated!

Check out the most recent Gaming PC Builds at the Gaming PC Builds of the Month page.

Newb Computer Build: Build a Gaming PCSo this afternoon I sat down and polished and updated all the gaming tiers (Entry Level through Fifth Gaming Tier Build). In the lat couple of months I am sure everyone trying to purchase computer hardware has heard about the Cougar Point problem. There was a problem with the release of the new Sandy bridge processors where all the 1155 socketed motherboard made for them had a SATA problem that could cause connection problems later on. The Fourth and Fifth Gaming Builds do consist of Sandy Bridge processors, but currently I cannot provide a very concise recommendation on any particular motherboards; there are none. If you decide you want to purchase the hardware in these builds, you can still do so, however you may have to wait a couple weeks still to purchase a motherboard.

All of the builds have a polished version of the main builds, and have pretty solid hardware alternative recommendations, so please come check them out and see the specifics of each:

Entry Level Gaming Build

Second Tier Gaming Build

Third Tier Gaming Build

Fourth Tier Gaming Build

Fifth Tier Gaming Build



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